Ban New GMOs in Hawaii County

Support Bill 79

The hearing is 9AM on Tuesday July 2nd.  Try to get to one of the offices early and sign up to give oral testimony: Hilo, Pahoa, Waimea, Ocean View to give testimony.  The actual hearing will be in Kona.  And please pass the word to others.  Mahalo.
PS  My written testimony is below.

Malu Aina Farm — Center for non-violent education and action
June 30, 2013Support for Bill 79

Aloha Council members,

I urge your support of Bill 79.  This bill is historic.  It’s an opportunity to make a pro-active choice for the future direction of agriculture on Hawaii Island.  The choice of Bill 79 is clear.  To support Bill 79 is to prohibit future GMO food crops and big agrochemical corporate interests from controlling and dominating agriculture in our county.  It is supporting a policy of aloha ‘aina.  It opens up possibilities for Hawaii County to prosper as a GMO-free food crop area, with the exception of GMO papayas   To oppose Bill 79 is to choose to stand with monopoly corporate interests –Monsanto, Dow, Syngenta, etc. who put short term profits and control of the world’s seed supply before concerns of people’s health and safety and the life of the land.  These mammoth corporations simply view Hawaii’s land as a commodity to be exploited for their personal gain. If and when there are irreparable unintended consequences, they will cut and run, taking their profits and leaving Hawaii’s people and land with their mess.

To ban GMOs is to make a choice for the precautionary principle.  It’s the right thing to do for people, plants and animals, for the land, for the water, for the air, for the earth itself.  Climate change, global warming, the epidemics of cancer, etc. are all testimonies that we have failed in the past to take to heart and practice the precautionary principle.  We are on borrowed time.  Let us not make the same mistakes again.  Support Bill 79.  Ban GMOs.  It’s the pono thing to do.


Jim Albertini, president

Jim Albertini Malu ‘Aina Center For Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box AB Ola’a (Kurtistown) Hawai’i 96760 Phone 808-966-7622 Email Visit us on the web at