Archive for September, 2014

Sept. 12, 2014 Hilo Peace Vigil leaflet on ISIS and Endless Wars

Wednesday, September 10th, 2014
Written before Obama’s 9PM (EST) speech 9/10/14)

Here We Go Again!

War Profiteers Want Endless Wars!

(Bamboozle plan: create fear & panic – scare the hell out of people)

      We share the outrage at the violence and brutality of ISIS, but the use of American military force will only add to the violence and cause more suffering for the people of Iraq, Syria, and possibly beyond.

      Consider the following fear-mongering statement last week by Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida to whip up American frenzy for more war:

This is a terrorist group the likes of which we haven’t seen before, and we better stop them now. It ought to be pretty clear when they start cutting off the heads of journalists and say they’re going to fly the black flag of ISIS over the White House that ISIS is a clear and present danger.”

      U.S. ally, Saudi Arabia, has cut off the heads of 26 people since August for crimes including adultery, apostasy, drug smuggling and sorcery. And they have been flying their oil flag over every city and town in the U.S. for decades. Will the U.S. be attacking Saudi Arabia next? And then…

      The U.S. is racing down a slippery slope toward new wars in Iraq and Syria that could spread much wider. We are headed for another Middle East quagmire. Isn’t more than a decade of war enough already: more than 6,000 American soldiers dead, 250,000 with brain injuries, trillions of dollars squandered, millions of people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, etc. killed, wounded, and displaced, infrastructure destroyed, lands contaminated with depleted uranium, and widespread violence, suffering, and chaos, and we think more bombing will help the situation? This is the very definition of insanity and “mission creep“.


      For ISIS, every U.S. bomb dropped or missile fired brings fresh recruits to their fanatical jihadi cause. U.S. bombs and missiles build their movement.  Bombs are not tools for building justice and peace. 

   Don’t Buy Into the Frenzy of Manufactured Fear!

Stop the Wars! —  Save the Planet!

1. Mourn all victims of violence. 2. Reject war as a solution. 3. Defend civil liberties. 4. Oppose all discrimination, anti-Islamic, anti-Semitic, anti-Hawaiian, etc.
5. Seek peace through justice in Hawai`i and around the world.
Contact: Malu `Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box 489 Kurtistown, Hawai`i 96760.

Phone (808) 966-7622.

 Hilo Peace Vigil leaflet (September 12, 2014 – 677th week) – Friday 3:30-5PM downtown Post Office

A new view of the world!

Monday, September 8th, 2014
Did Putin Just Bring Peace to Ukraine?

By Mike Whitney

The difference between the peacemakers and the warmongers has rarely been as stark as it is today.

Warmongers Want War & More War!

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014



As NATO moves up on Russia’s borders in violation of agreements previously made by the USA, response times will be cut short and the likelihood of belligerent issues leading to triggering war will increase. This appears to be intentional on the part of the USA, which has been pushing this for decades by the implementation of its encirclement of Russia with ABM systems combined with NATO expansion into former Soviet Republics and Warsaw Pact nations.  With nukes in the hands of both Russia and the U.S. this is especially dangerous.

Warmongers say war and more war! As Senate Dem Pushes Air Strikes on Syria, Experts Say ‘No Military Solution’

No More War!  Yankee

Come Home! De-militarize


1. Mourn all victims of violence. 2. Reject war as a solution. 3. Defend civil liberties. 4. Oppose all discrimination, anti-Islamic, anti-Semitic, anti-Hawaiian, etc.
5. Seek peace through justice in Hawai`i and around the world.
Contact: Malu `Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box 489 Kurtistown, Hawai`i 96760.

Phone (808) 966-7622.

Hilo Peace Vigil leaflet (September 5, 2014 – 676th week) – Friday 3:30-5PM downtown Post Office