Fukushima is now China Syndrome!

Reactor Designer Admits That Fukushima Is Now the China Syndrome

Hydrogen buildup at Fukushima? What does it mean & why does it happen?

[6 1/2 mn. video]
TEPCO recently discovered hydrogen buildups within the containment buildings in Fukushima Units 1, 2 and 3. Could there be another explosion, and if so how? Fairewinds conducts a laboratory experiment to show that if oxygen is present with hydrogen in a nuclear power containment, a deflagration explosion might occur.

>>Adding to the danger, he also said that radioactive debris has been spreading in the Pacific Ocean and that it had reached the Marshall Islands on 15 November 2011, which is much faster than anticipated. Therefore, all countries and islands in and around the Pacific are at risk from the flotsam of Fukushima.<<———
http://alturl.com/pg3jc[Gaia Health]

Reactor Designer Admits That Fukushima Is Now the China Syndrome
20 November 2011
Haruo Uehara, Architect of Fukushima Reactor. Photo from LiveDoor (http://news.livedoor.com/article/detail/6041353/)

The China Syndrome is happening right now, according to Haruo Uehara, the man who designed Reactor 3 at Fukushima. He says that, since there has been no significant improvement since the earthquake and tsunami devastated the TEPCO nuclear plant on 11 March this year, there is no escaping the reality that hot fuel melted through the pressure and container vessels into the ground.

Uehara further described the seriousness of the situation, saying if it reaches an underground water source, then the water supply, the ground, and sea water will also be contaminated. Furthermore, if the underground water remains heated for long enough, a massive hydrovolcanic explosion could occur.

Hydrovolcanic is not a made-up word to give an impression of a big eruption involving water. It’s a geological term referencing particularly violent volcanic eruptions involving the mixture of water with magma. This is not a small, or even simply a local, concern. In an exceptionally active volcanic region, a hydrovolcanic explosion could have devastating and far-reaching effects.

Adding to the danger, he also said that radioactive debris has been spreading in the Pacific Ocean and that it had reached the Marshall Islands on 15 November 2011, which is much faster than anticipated. Therefore, all countries and islands in and around the Pacific are at risk from the flotsam of Fukushima.

The term, China Syndrome, comes from a 1979 hit movie in which the unthinkable—a nuclear meltdown—almost happens. Now, it appears that the unthinkable, something so terrifying that the movie stopped short of it, has actually happened.

Why isn’t this major news? Well, just take a look at the video just posted, Want Proof That Mainstream Media Is Controlled? Watch This! The powers-that-be do not want us to know. Therefore, since there hasn’t been any good news, we’re given no news.
