Jesus Loves Nukes!

Launch a Nuclear Weapon

For Jesus?

U.S. Air Force Cites New Testament, Ex-Nazi, to Train Officers
on Ethics of Launching Nuclear Weapons [TruthOut]

Wernher Von Braun, a former member of the Nazi Party who used Jews imprisoned in concentration camps, captured French anti-Nazi partisans and civilians, and others to help build the V-2 rocket for Hitler’s Third Reich, is cited in an Air Force PowerPoint presentation about the morals and ethics of launching nuclear weapons.

The United States Air Force has been training young missile officers about the morals and ethics of launching nuclear weapons by citing passages from the New Testament and commentary from a former member of the Nazi Party, according to newly released documents…

Von Braun and about 500 or so other Nazi scientists who were part of the classified program (Operation Paperclip) worked on guided missile and ballistic missile technology at military installations in New Mexico, Alabama and Texas.

The Air Force has been citing Christian teachings in its missile officer training materials for at least a decade…  “Astonishingly, the training presentation grotesquely attempts to justify that unconscionable concept of ‘war is good because Jesus says it is’ by specifically textually referencing allegedly supportive bible passages from the New Testament Books of Luke, Acts, Hebrews, Timothy and, finally even Revelation,” said Mickey Weinstein, a graduate of the Air Force Academy and a former Air Force Judge Advocate General (JAG),  and a former White House counsel during the Reagan administration…

Former Air Force Capt. Damon Bosetti, 27, who attended missile officer training in 2006 and was stationed at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Great Falls, Montana, said he and his colleagues used to call the religious section of the ethics training the “Jesus loves nukes speech…”

“I think the average American would be and should be very disturbed to know that people go through training where the Air Force quotes the Bible,” Bosetti said. “This type of teaching sets a dangerous precedent because no one above you is objecting. It shifts the group definition of acceptable behavior more and more off track…”

“Leave it to the United States Air Force to find a way to dictate the ‘ethical’ value of nuclear war and it’s inevitable role in the ‘natural  order’ of humanity’s existence, to it’s missile launch officer trainees by merging unadulterated, fundamentalist Christian end times Armageddon doctrines with the tortured ‘people who are guided by the bible’ endorsements of a former, leading Nazi SS official,” Weinstein said.

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