Archive for August, 2013

Speak out NOW Against a U.S. Attack on Syria!

Wednesday, August 28th, 2013

Please help pass the word. Mahalo!



Saturday August 31, 2013

9-11 AM across from Hilo’s

Farmers’ Market



Bombs & Cruise Missiles are NOT

the Answer to the Violence in Syria!


     What’s needed in Syria is humanitarian aid of food, medicine and shelter, along with international efforts for a cease fire, not bombs and  cruise missiles to escalate the violence.


     At this writing (8PM Hawaii time Aug. 28, 2013), there is no solid proof of chemical weapons use in Syria. If such weapons have been used, then by whom? The Syrian government, internal opposition fighters, outside forces? Is the alleged chemical attack being used as a ploy to justify U.S. and western intervention to topple the Assad government?


     In Egypt, more than 1000 unarmed protesters have been killed by the military coup leaders there. Is the US calling for cruise missile strikes in Egypt, or even cutting off U.S. military aid?


    Let’s be clear. The road to overthrowing Iran is through Syria.


    What is taking place in the U.S. now over Syria is a sequel to the illegal attack on Iraq in 2003. President Obama has no legal constitutional authority to attack another country where there is no imminent threat to the U.S.  Congress has not declared war on Syria, nor has the United Nations Security Council authorized the use of force.  In short, the U.S. is threatening another illegal war under the cover of “humanitarian intervention.” The end result will be more innocent people killed, another country further destroyed. How many more countries will the U.S. turn to rubble? Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran, etc. Is the U.S.engaged in endless war? Will John Kerry hold the same phony vile of powder that Collin Powell held at the UN in 2003 in the lead up to the U.S. illegal attack on Iraq?  Besides the arms makers, ask yourself who stands to benefit from western military action against Syria?


     Don’t be tricked into supporting another illegal war. If U.S. cruise missiles fly into Syria, mobilize at downtown Federal Buildings, Post Offices, Congressional Offices and military bases  at 4PM on the day of the attack. Meanwhile, sound the alarm with elected officials at all levels of government. Make your voice heard: “NO U.S. Attack on Syria!” “NO MORE WAR!” Put the $1.3 million being spent for every cruise missile, into food, medicine, shelter, schools, health care, job creation, and other unmet human needs.


 More War is
not the Way
to Peace!
If You Want Peace, Work for Justice!

1. Mourn all victims of violence. 2. Reject war as a solution. 3. Defend civil liberties. 4. Oppose all discrimination, anti-Islamic, anti-Semitic, anti-Hawaiian, etc. 5. Seek peace through justice in Hawai`i and around the world.
Malu `Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box AB Kurtistown, Hawai`i 96760.
Phone (808) 966-7622.  Email

Hilo Peace Vigil leaflet (August 30, 2013– 623rd week) – Friday 3:30-5PM downtown Post Office

An Invitation by one of Hilo’s faithful peace vigilers!

Wednesday, August 28th, 2013


Why I Vigil

by Pam Graham

Friday, August 9th was the 65th Anniversary of the United States bombing of Hiroshima in Japan. Today, Aug. 28th is the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington and MLK’s “I Have A Dream” speech.

The Fukushima nuclear plant is steadily releasing radioactive waste water into the ocean and atmosphere by the ton.


Our Armed Forces are still stationed in the mid East with plans to retaliate for (the alleged) use of (chemical) biological warfare against citizens of Syria by it’s government. The whole world is captive to radiation and much of the world is still at war.


Have you ever asked yourself, “Why would anyone stand, week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade holding up a sign about the evils of war and the need for peace when it seems so useless, inefficient or just plain stupid? Haven’t those anti war and anti violence people noticed that there have always been wars and wars keep happening; that nations take up arms against ‘their enemies‘ when their rights to govern according to their constitutions are threatened, and that ‘only the strong survive’? What’s the matter with them? Why don’t they wake up?”


I have. I ask myself this every time I attend a vigil, protest injustice and violence, lift up a sign in favor of peace, or talk out against the way our system of governance operates.  When violence and injustice are condoned under the pretense of defense, or some future gain, we as a species are committing murder and then suicide and eventually extinction. We are bringing more suffering into the world because we can’t survive for long in a world where humanity or nature become expendable in the name of defense and profit. And we still have not learned the lesson that, when we put ourselves in the seat of judgement deciding who shall live or die, who is expendable, we tighten the noose around our own necks…our children’s necks, our lovers necks, our parents neck, and future generations necks because it will be just a matter of time before we become expendable in the relentless drive for power and profit. It’s just a matter of time.


In the name of defense and profit we are dehumanizing ourselves and others, destroying and contaminating that which sustains us all. We are elevating destructive power and profit over humanity, over nature, and most importantly, over love: that intrinsically sacred act whereby we recognize and respect another for the simple sake of his/her humanity. We seem to have forgotten that, when ‘the other’ is seen as another human being, we can choose to act with compassion…not only for ‘them’ but for us and future generations.


Love enables humans to be compassionate; to act in ways that honor our mutuality, such as recognizing that, were the situation reversed, ‘they’ could be ‘us’. Compassion isn’t based on what another may look like or how they may act or what they possess. Rather, compassion allows us to see clearly that violence begets violence and there must be a higher, more enlightened life-enhancing way to overcome differences and live on this planet together less violently, less destructively.


By standing and holding a sign at a vigil, protesting injustice and violence in favor of peace, or speaking out against the corruption in our system of governance, I bear witness to the belief that humans, as a species, can transcend/rise above greed, profit, the illusion that ‘might makes right’, injustices and violence.


What is a nation but groups of human beings trying to live in harmony with their environments…with that which gives sustenance. Up to now, with our myopic view of the meaning of life’ we act with impudence, not realizing that every action/non-action has long (generations) lasting and life impacting (generative or destructive) consequences. If there was some way to take back the bad/destructive things we have wrecked on the world through the concept of ‘civilizing the world’, I believe the average person would take that action, because I believe we finally ‘get it’ that the time for being ignorant and lazy, selfish and naive, or uninformed and trusting is over. It is common knowledge that we have gone over the line of human decency and environmental desecration. I believe that when a lot of us take action it will have a ripple effect and others will be motivated/moved to step forward and take action/do something for the sake of our lives. I still believe we CAN change the direction we are headed …our demise as a species.


This is why I Witness.


Most Friday’s I participate in the weekly Peace Vigil in downtown HIlo at the Federal Building (Post Office 3:30-5PM). This week marks the 622th week this Peace Vigil has taken place.


Please, join me if you are a kindred spirit. It does us all good.


Don’t be Tricked into Supporting War!

Monday, August 26th, 2013

Wars and More Wars based on Lies!

Cruise Missiles are NOT the Answer to the problems in Syria!

     What’s needed is humanitarian aid of food, medicine and shelter, along with international efforts for a cease fire, not cruise missiles to escalate the violence.

      At this writing (8PM Hawaii time Aug. 27, 2013), there is no solid proof of chemical weapons use in Syria. If such weapons have been used, then by whom? The Syrian government, internal opposition fighters, outside forces? Is the alleged chemical attack being used as a ploy to justify U.S. and western intervention to topple the Assad government?

      In Egypt, more than 1000 unarmed protesters have been killed by the military coup leaders there. Is the US calling for cruise missile strikes in Egypt, or even cutting off U.S. military aid?

      Let’s be clear. The road to overthrowing Iran is through Syria.

     What I see taking place in the U.S. now over Syria is a sequel to the illegal attack on Iraq in 2003. Another illegal war under the cover of “humanitarian intervention.” The end result will be more innocent people killed, another country destroyed. How many more countries will the U.S. turn to rubble? Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran, etc. Is it endless war? Will John Kerry hold the same phony vile of powder that Collin Powell held at the UN in 2003?

      Don’t be tricked into supporting another illegal war. If U.S. missile fly into Syria, mobilize at downtown Federal Bldgs throughout Hawaii at 4PM on the day of the attack. Meanwhile, sound the alarm with elected officials at all levels of government. NO MORE WAR! Put the $1.3 million being spent for every cruise missile, into our schools, health care, and other human needs.

 Jim Albertini

Important article on DU and U.S. War Crimes

Monday, August 26th, 2013

Please forward this article on DU to friends.  Mahalo.

Jim Albertini Malu ‘Aina Center For Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box AB Ola’a (Kurtistown) Hawai’i 96760 Phone 808-966-7622 Email

Hanabusa and Gabbard get biased AIPAC (Israel) sponsored tour of Mid East

Sunday, August 25th, 2013

An article on their AIPAC sponsored trip by Chad Blair can be reached via I went under archives..8/13/13
Hawaii’s Hanging Chad’s.

Also: Aug. 26, 2013 Monday  10:00 POV 5 Broken Cameras –This Oscar nominated film, shot by a Palestinian and directed by an Israeli, depicts life in a West Bank Village where a security fence is being built by Israel.   Please pass the word.  Mahalo.