Archive for the ‘Hawaii Independence’ Category

Onipa’a Hilo Peace Vigil Solidarity!

Monday, January 13th, 2025

Onipa’a Hilo Peace Vigil


2025 marks the 132nd year since the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy.

A march and rally is being held on Jan. 17th at Iolani Palace in Honolulu.

     On Jan. 17, 1893, US troops from the USS Boston assisted colonial sugar barons in the illegal overthrow of the independent nation of Hawaii and the imprisonment of Hawaii’s Queen Liliu’okalani. Hawaii has been under illegal US military occupation ever since and is now one of the most militarized and militarily toxic places on the planet. There are more than 110 US military installations in Hawaii.

     High-tech Billionaire barons have replaced sugar barons, and Hawaii has become a vacation ground for the elite. Over the New Year’s holiday, there were so many private jets landing in Kona that dozens of the planes had to be sent to Hilo and Maui for parking because there wasn’t enough space in Kona.

    Meanwhile, more and more Kanaka Maoli, Hawaii’s native people, and other locals are being forced out of Hawaii because they can no longer afford to live here. There are now more Hawaiians living outside of Hawaii than in Hawaii and the situation keeps worsening.

     Jeff Bezos of Amazon has a palatial estate on Maui, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook/Meta has a palatial estate on Kauai, and Larry Ellison of Oracle owns more than 97% of Lanai where Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vacationed. Marc Benioff of Salesforce has bought up lots of land on Hawaii Island, And they are not alone. Increasingly, Hawaii is becoming the vacation land of the .1 of the 1% Now more and more Hawaii agricultural land is being bought up by foreign owners.

No Lie Can Live Forever! It’s Time to Restore Hawaii’s Independence!

End the 132-year illegal military occupation of Hawaii. De-militarize Hawaii! Make the military clean up its toxic mess before returning the lands to the Hawaiian people. Today, Hawaii imports 95% of the food it consumes. In the days before Western domination Hawaii was 100% self-sufficient. Restore the Ahupua’a system – from the mountain to the sea –people caring for the land. Aloha ‘aina needs to thrive again!


Monday, January 20th marks the official exit from the office of US President by Genocide Joe Biden, and the entrance of President, Genocide “Finish the Job” and “Drill Baby Drill” Wildfire Donald J. Trump.

January 20th also marks the US national holiday honoring the late civil rights and peace leader, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. One year to the day of his assassination, Dr. King spoke the following words: “The greatest purveyor of violence in the world. My own government.  I can not be silent.” April 4, 1967

Amazing, the very government that killed Dr. King declares a national holiday in his honor!

May we all have the courage to carry on Dr. King’s legacy of nonviolent action for justice, peace, and aloha ‘aina, despite the cost. Never give up!

1 . Mourn all victims of violence. 2. Reject violence & war as solutions. 3. Defend civil liberties.  4. Oppose all discrimination: anti-Islamic, anti-Semitic, anti-Hawaiian, anti-Black, anti-Asian, anti- Russian, anti-LGBTQ, etc. 5. Seek peace through peaceful means and work for justice in Hawai`i and around the world.

Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box 489 Ola’a (Kurtistown), Hawai’i 96760 Phone (808) 966-7622 Email to receive our posts. For more information see

January 17, 2025, Hilo Peace Vigil leaflet – week 1216Fridays 3:30-5 PM downtown Post Office

The CLIMATE Times are Changing!

Thursday, January 9th, 2025


are Changing!

Lahaina, Los Angeles Fires!


The Military Pohakuloa Toxic Area (PTA)

admits to starting 892 wildfires since 1975. burning thousands of acres on, and off, the base.

Military bombing and shelling at PTA

in the center of Hawaii Island has been going on for more than 80 years. Millions of live rounds are fired annually at PTA involving a wide range of weapons and toxins, including Lead, Depleted Uranium (DU) radiation, etc.

Strong winds blow through the Saddle area and can carry toxins long distances.

PTA is located above the main aquifer on Hawaii Island.

Is PTA contaminating our water?


Stop Bombing Pohakuloa!

Shut it Down! Clean it Up! No New Land Lease!

Return the land to the Hawaiian people!

Aloha ‘Aina!

Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box 489 Ola’a (Kurtistown), Hawai’i 96760 Phone (808) 966-7622 Email to receive our posts. For more information see

More on Homegrown Terrorism

Wednesday, January 8th, 2025
Vets involvement in domestic terrorism is much worse than I imagined. See the article below.
U.S. Veterans: Major Source of Domestic Terrorists

Homegrown Terrorism! Jan. 10, 2025, Hilo Peace Vigil leaflet

Monday, January 6th, 2025

Homegrown Terrorism!

      Most people know by now that on New Year’s Day, 14 people were killed and dozens injured in two homegrown terrorist truck attacks in the US by US Army decorated Afghanistan war vets – one in New Orleans and one by an active duty Green Beret in Las Vegas. The casualty figures could have been much higher if planted explosive devices in New Orleans had detonated.

      A US Gulf War Vet carried out the most deadly domestic homegrown terrorist attack in US history on April 19, 1995. It involved a massive truck bomb explosion outside the Oklahoma City Federal Building by 26-year-old Timothy McVeigh that killed 168 people and injured 684.

      The US has been using young people to wage military coups and imperial wars around the world for a very long time. The death toll, injury, and displacement figures are in the tens of millions. See

     It now appears that US imperial terror is tragically coming home to roost in homegrown Veteran terrorist attacks. It’s also tragic that every day 22 US Vets are committing suicide. That points to a lack of meaningful medical care for Vets to address the trauma of killing and war for the merchants of death.

      Jan.. 17, 2025, marks 132 years since US troops assisted Sugar barons in the 1893 illegal overthrow of the independent nation of Hawaii and Hawaii’s Queen Liliu’okalani. Hawaii has been under illegal US military occupation ever since and is now one of the most militarized and military-contaminated toxic places on the planet. It’s time the US stops sending young people to kill and die in US Imperial wars to enrich corporate war profiteers and billionaire oligarchs. The US needs to end its addiction to war and redirect military spending to address healing the planet from human-made climate catastrophe, and providing basic needs such as food, housing, medical care, education, etc. not more bombs and wars!


High Tech Billionaires have replaced Hawaii sugar barons. People like Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Larry Ellison of Oracle, Marc Benioff of Salesforce, and others have palatial estates in Hawaii while Hawaii’s native people are priced out of their homeland.

This must end!

Join the weekly Hilo Peace vigil on Fridays now in its 24th year, and join Big Island peace organizing meetings held on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at the Kea’au Community Center from 6 – 8 PM.

The next peace organizing meeting is Monday, Jan. 13th.

Help grow food at Malu ‘Aina farm to share with people in need.

1 . Mourn all victims of violence. 2. Reject violence & war as solutions. 3. Defend civil liberties.  4. Oppose all discrimination: anti-Islamic, anti-Semitic, anti-Hawaiian,

anti-Black, anti-Asian, anti- Russian, anti-LGBTQ, etc. 5. Seek peace through peaceful means and work for justice in Hawai`i and around the world.

Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box 489 Ola’a (Kurtistown), Hawai’i 96760 Phone (808) 966-7622

Email to receive our posts. For more information see

January 10, 2025, Hilo Peace Vigil leaflet – week 1215Fridays 3:30-5 PM downtown Post Office

Jim Albertini Malu 'Aina Center For Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box 489 Ola'a (Kurtistown) Hawai'i 96760
Phone 808-966-7622 Email Visit us on the web at

Make 2025 A Year of Hope! Last Kahea of 2024

Monday, December 30th, 2024

Make 2025 A Year of Hope!

     My hope is that we can make a difference if we try our best. If we work together, we can help heal our communities and world and build a better future for all based on justice, peace, and aloha ‘aina. Sadly, too many people believe there is nothing we can do. They have lost hope.

     I believe we are living in dark times. Our world is on a downward spiral to Omnicide defined as the destruction of all life by nuclear war and/or climate disaster. Right before our eyes, the Crime of Genocide is taking place now in Gaza by Israel with Western support, including the US. which is supplying a massive amount of weapons to Israel. We are all responsible!

     There is the real potential for wars in the Middle East, in Ukraine, and a war with China quickly escalating to a global nuclear war. And human-made climate disasters are intensifying and becoming more and more visible and deadly. The big question is, can we take positive action for the common good of all humanity before it is too late? Jimmy Carter put solar panels on the White House. Ronald Reagan took them off. Now Donald Trump is preaching “Drill Baby Drill.” We are headed in the wrong direction to save the planet. So too with more and more weapons of war. Cutting, not expanding, the military budget and pushing to abolish nuclear weapons is the path to peace. It is a grand illusion to think that real solutions will come from the top down, from the billionaire corporate oligarchs, who have profited from creating the problems. Real positive change comes from the bottom up, from the grassroots, from ordinary people standing up for present and future generations. Let’s work together and help give each other more hope by our actions for justice, peace, and aloha ‘aina.

Never Give Up! We Can Make a


Join the weekly Hilo Peace vigil on Fridays now in its 24th year, and join Big Island peace organizing meetings held on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at the Kea’au Community Center from 6 – 8 PM.

Help grow food at Malu ‘Aina farm to share with people in need. See core principles below.

1 . Mourn all victims of violence. 2. Reject violence & war as solutions. 3. Defend civil liberties.  4. Oppose all discrimination: anti-Islamic, anti-Semitic, anti-Hawaiian, anti-Black, anti-Asian, anti- Russian, anti-LGBTQ, etc. 5. Seek peace through peaceful means and work for justice in Hawai`i and around the world.

Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box 489 Ola’a (Kurtistown), Hawai’i 96760 Phone (808) 966-7622 Email to receive our posts. For more information see

January 3, 2025, Hilo Peace Vigil leaflet – week 1214Fridays 3:30-5 PM downtown Post Office

Last Call!

Malu ‘Aina Annual Appeal

December 2024

Aloha friends,

  Once a year, during this Holy season, I write to ask for your help to sustain the work of Malu ‘Aina, an all-volunteer non-profit organization committed to justice, peace, and aloha ‘aina – a living planet for generations to come. Such work is more critical now than ever. There is so much suffering and death from war, injustice, and climate disasters. The danger of global nuclear war is increasing dramatically in Ukraine, the Middle East, and China.

  2024 marks 45 years since the founding of Malu 'Aina. Some of you have been with us from the start. Others more recently. Please know, that we appreciate all of you for your solidarity and donations of support. You are our base.  To maintain our independence and critical voice, we do not seek corporate or government funding. We started grassroots and want to stay grassroots.

  We remain committed to the principle of non-violence, kapu aloha, as our guiding light. We believe deeply that the means we use must be in line with the end that we seek. We would like to transition to the next generation of leadership, but the going is tough, and will likely get tougher over the next 4 years. We hope the vision of Malu ‘Aina will be carried forward. Your ideas, and suggestions of next-generation leaders, both Volunteer Farm and Board members, are encouraged.

  We continue to grow food at Malu ‘Aina to share with people in need but with limited volunteer farm volunteers. We have long served as an emergency food pantry. Each week we also write a new peace leaflet for widespread distribution and conduct a weekly peace vigil at the downtown Hilo Post Office/Federal Building. Friday, Dec. 6, 2024, will mark 1210 consecutive weekly peace leaflets, for a vigil that started the day after Sept. 11, 2001. You can read the new and past weekly leaflets, and other posts. on our website In addition, we continue our efforts to de-militarize Hawaii and the planet, support Hawaiian rights, a permanent Ceasefire in Gaza, Ukraine, etc., and negotiations for peace everywhere. The world needs a major shift in resources from warfare to healthcare, education, feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, and protecting the environment. Protecting the planet from nuclear war and further climate disasters are the two greatest challenges facing human civilization.

  We have plenty of work to do.  Both on the farm and in our other work, we could use more volunteer peoplepower along with donations. Mahalo for your continued financial support and solidarity in this journey for justice, peace, and aloha ‘aina. You are a blessing and very much appreciated.

With gratitude and aloha,

Jim Albertini

peace dove

Donations are tax deductible if checks are made to Center for Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box 489 ‘Ola’a (Kurtistown), Hawaii 96760 A Pay Pal account (Donate Button) is on our webpage To receive our weekly posts, please send me an email at with a request. You can also reach us by phone (808) 966-7622. Mahalo.