July 4, 2024 Reflection

Stop the US-Israel Genocide

in Gaza!

Ask this homeless man and his family in Gaza if they want to see more American Fireworks

Remember these Important Words!

“The greatest purveyor of violence in the world: My own Government, I can not be Silent.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.  April 4, 1967, one year to the day before his assassination by the US government.

Many Americans are Living a Lie about the reality of the USA

Join the movement to dismantle the US

Imperial War Machine and prevent


No more weapons for Israel/US Genocide in Gaza!

Ceasefire and Negotiate Peace in Gaza, Ukraine, etc.

Stop US bullying of China.

End the Illegal Occupations of Palestine & Hawai’i!

Make Justice, Peace, and a Livable World Possible for All!

— Malu ‘Aina Center For Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box 489 Ola’a (Kurtistown) Hawai’i 96760 Phone 808-966-7622 Email ja@malu-aina.org Visit us on the web at www.malu-aina.org