Not One More Bomb!

Not One More Bomb!

On Gaza, Pohakuloa, etc.

     The death toll in Gaza from US/Israel bombs has now officially topped 40,000, with suggestions that the actual number of deaths could be much higher. On Monday, Aug. 19, Biden told the Democratic National Convention in Chicago “We’ll keep working, to bring hostages home, and end the war in Gaza, and bring peace and security to the Middle East. As you know, I wrote a peace treaty for Gaza. A few days ago I put forward a proposal that brought us closer to doing that than we’ve done since October 7th.” What Biden did not say is just six days earlier he approved sending $20 billion worth of more weapons to Israel. Talk about hypocrisy! A bomber disguised as a peacemaker!

     Presently, there is a massive US military build-up in the Middle East of ships, planes, and troops preparing for a possible widening war, that could quickly go nuclear. While claiming to be a peacemaker, the truth is that Biden is a longstanding warmonger on behalf of the US Empire. I know of no war in more than 50 years he hasn’t supported. And Biden does not stand alone. The US Congress recently gave Israel’s Prime Minister and war criminal, Bibi Netanyahu, repeated standing ovations in the US Congress. There appears to be endless funding for wars in the Middle East, in Ukraine, and for a future war against China, while 40% of families on Hawaii Island, and in many other places, are food insecure, in need of decent housing, health care, etc.

     Hawaii’s Congressional delegates are big military and war supporters too. Don’t let them kid you. Their voting records speak loudly. None of them have done a thing to investigate and clean up the many military toxins used at the 133,000-acre Pohakuloa Training Area (PTA) in the center of Hawaii Island. PTA has been bombed and shelled for 75 years with millions of live rounds fired annually. Depleted Uranium (DU) radiation contaminates the land and blows long distances in the wind. It has a half-life of 4.5 billion years. Small DU oxide particles when inhaled can travel through the lymph system to various organs causing cancer, birth defects, and genetic damage that can be passed to future generations. Are military toxins contaminating Hawaii Island’s drinking water like fuel spills at Red Hill on Oahu? We don’t know. If you don’t look you won’t know. 23,000 acres at Pohakuloa are coming up for State lease renewal. The same is true with State leases to the military on Oahu. What politicians at all levels are calling for an end to US warmongering, military leases, and a return of the land to the Hawaiian people? It’s time to end our collective addiction to war. We are living in a state of denial.


It’s Time We Wake Up!

Speak Up! Stand Up!

Stop the Bombing Now!

1 . Mourn all victims of violence. 2. Reject violence & war as solutions. 3. Defend civil liberties.  4. Oppose all discrimination: anti-Islamic, anti-Semitic, anti-Hawaiian, anti-Black, anti-Asian, anti-Russian, anti-LGBTQ, etc. 5. Seek peace through peaceful means and work for justice in Hawai`i and around the world.

Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action

P.O. Box 489 Ola’a (Kurtistown), Hawai’i 96760

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