Right Wing Attacks

See the latest right wing attack by the Hawaii Free Press
Andrew Walden gives me more credit than I’m due.  I’m only a one time convicted felon for peace for jumping into Hilo Bay in a non-violent protest in 1984 to uphold the spirit of Hawaii County’s historic nuclear-free zone law against a visiting nuclear armed warship –the USS Ouellett.   It is true that Fed. Judge Sam King once labeled me a “psychopath” for persistent non-violent resistance against the Vietnam war and nuclear arms. but he took a lot of heat for that label from religious leaders, including Catholic and Episcopal bishops of Hawaii at the time. They likened me to Gandhi, which also gave me far more credit than I’m due.   A few years later the same, Judge Sam King called me “his old friend” in court, so I think he had some regrets for his emotional “psychopath” outburst in earlier court days.
Anyway, as for the Andrew Walden right wing attacks, they are nothing new.  I take it in stride and try to follow my mother’s wise advice: “Let it go like water off a duck’s back.”

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