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Some Thoughts on the 2nd assassination attempt of Donald Trump.

Monday, September 16th, 2024
Some Thoughts on the 2nd assassination attempt of Donald Trump.
According to news reports, one of the most shocking things is that the alleged assassin (Ryan Wesly Routh) has lived in Ka’a’awa on Oahu since 2017. He even helped build small houses for the homeless. On the TV news tonight, when news crews went to his house his pickup truck had a Biden/Harris bumper sticker, and an American flag was on the house.
Biden & Harris both say – ‘there is no place for any violence in our country.” I too condemn violence. But unlike Biden and Harris, I condemn all violence — everywhere. I am committed to nonviolent action for justice, peace, and aloha ‘aina.I condemn the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. I condemn the US/Israel Genocide in Gaza. I condemn the US for sending US weapons of mass destruction to Israel to be used in heavily populated Gaza, I condemn the US funding its proxy war against Russia in Ukraine, and provoking war with China, using proxies like the Philippines, Australia, and Taiwan.
You say you condemn all violence yet you want the US to be “the most lethal fighting force in the world.” Don’t you see a contradiction there? And don’t you see a connection between the US being the most deadly military force in the world and the most heavily armed civilian nation, and the rampant killings in US schools, churches, shopping centers, etc.? If you are going to condemn violence, then take steps away from militarization as a nation and armed citizenry. And stop supporting Israel/US GENOCIDE IN GAZA and saying “Israel has a right to defend itself.” Genocide is not self-defense.
I condemn Hawaii County Mayor Mitch Roth saying “Israel has a right to defend itself” instead of denouncing US/Israel GENOCIDE. In the coming days, we are likely to hear a lot of Hawaii elected officials and political candidates condemning the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. But where are their voices to condemn the Genocide in Gaza, and the bombing at Pohakuloa?  I ask all these politicians: What are you doing to prevent Pohakuloa from becoming our Big Island “Red Hill” toxic water disaster, our Lahaina firestorm from bombing and shelling in the dry windy Saddle Area, and all of us on Hawaii Island from becoming nuclear (and other airborne toxic) down winders?

Pohakuloa — A Land Besieged!

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024

Excellent OHA Sept. 2024

articles on “Pohakuloa –

A Land Besieged.”

Please read pages 14-17 at the links below

Photo of Wildfire started at Pohakuloa in Aug. 2022 that burned more than 17,000 acres, including more than 12,000 acres off PTA in endangered species habitat. The US military has admitted to starting 892 wildfires at Pohakuloa from military activities since 1975.

     I’m amazed at how ignorant many Hawaii elected officials are about what’s happening at Pohakuloa, a training ground for nuclear war.  Reminds me of Germans living around Auschwitz, a concentration and extermination camp, who were told it was a family camp. It’s an indictment of our officials and our local news media. It is a failure to look into what is going on, and military secrecy about what is taking place in the center of our island home.  We all need to take off the blinders. We need serious change. 

     Ask election candidates and officials hard questions: Pohakuloa has been bombed and shelled for more than 80 years with a wide variety of weapons and military toxins, including radiation weapons. Millions of live rounds are fired annually at PTA. What are you going to do to prevent Pohakuloa from becoming our Big Island’s “Red Hill” toxic water disaster, our Lahaina firestorm from bombing and shelling in the dry windy Saddle Area, and all of us on Hawaii Island from becoming nuclear (and other airborne) downwind victims of military toxins?

Please Speak Out! Mahalo. 

Join the sign holding Sat. Sept. 21st outside the Mayoral forum at the Hilo Yacht Club 10:30 -Noon just past Onekahakaha Beach Park. Ask Mitch Roth and Kimo Alameda –Where Do YOU Stand?

Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action

P.O. Box 489 Ola’a (Kurtistown), Hawai’i 96760

Phone (808) 966-7622 Email to receive our posts. 2 on the planet.

For more information see

Sept. 6,, 2024, Hilo Peace Vigil leaflet – week 1197Fridays 3:30-5 PM downtown Post Office

No Lie Can Live Forever! Hawaii Statehood Day!

Tuesday, August 13th, 2024

Hawaii Fake Statehood Day!

                                           Hawaii Statehood Day or Admission Day, as it is also called, is a holiday in the State of Hawaii. It is a day celebrated annually on the third Friday in August when Hawaii allegedly became the 50th State of the United States. In 2024, that date of celebration is Friday, August 16. The only problem is Hawaii Statehood Day is an illegal fraud, repeated over and over for more than 50 years.

We need to learn the true history of Hawaii., not the fake history proclaimed by the US Empire. Here are some important historical truths.  No Lie Can Live Forever!

1. Hawaii was recognized as an independent nation by the Family of Nations in 1843.

2. In 1887, a Bayonet Constitution was forced upon Hawaii King David Kalakaua by US Sugar Barons that gave exclusive use of Pearl Harbor to the US military and took away many Hawaiian rights.

3. In 1893, these same Sugar Barons, with the direct assistance of US military troops overthrew the Hawaiian government of Queen Lili’uokalani.

4. In 1898, the US declared Hawaii was annexed to the US. The truth is that the annexation of Hawaii never legally happened. Annexation requires a signed treaty and approval by a 2/3 vote of the US Senate. No treaty of annexation was ever signed and only a resolution was passed in the US.

5. Since Hawaii was never legally annexed, it never legally became a territory of the US, and therefore never legally could become a state of the US.

     The truth is Hawaii continues to be an illegally occupied Independent Nation by the US Empire. It first occurred on behalf of US Sugar barons and the US military. The Sugar plantations are gone elsewhere to exploit people and land, but many of the sugar baron descendants continue to illegally occupy large portions of Hawaiian land. The US military has expanded its presence to include more than 100 military installations and has contaminated much of the land and water with a wide range of toxins. The military has seized large portions of Hawaiian lands by Presidential and governor executive orders, and state land leases. Here on Hawaii Island a Presidential executive order seized 84,000 acres of Hawaiian land at Pohakuloa, and the military leased 23,000 additional acres at Pohakuloa from the Fake state for 65 years. All for a total cost of $1.00 for the 65 years. That lease and other $1 military leases on Oahu are up for renewal. Pray tell, what will Fake state officials do?

     The Sugar plantations have been replaced by a corporate-controlled tourist industry and high-tech barons now occupying large acreages of Hawaiian lands. Larry Ellison of Oracle Corp controls 98% of Lanai, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook has a giant compound on Kauai that includes a dozen buildings, at least 30 bedrooms and bathrooms, 11 treehouses connected by rope bridges, and even a tunnel system that leads to a 5000-square foot underground bunker. Jeff Bezos of Amazon has put down stakes in Maui, Michael Dell of Dell Computers and Mark Beneoff of Sales Force are on Hawaii Island.

     Today Native Hawaiians are being pushed out of their homeland, priced out of corporate and high-tech controlled paradise. 15,000 Native Hawaiians are leaving Hawaii annually for the US continent. There are now more Hawaiians living in Los Vegas, LA, etc than in Hawaii itself. SHAMEFUL!

Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action

P.O. Box 489 Ola’a (Kurtistown), Hawai’i 96760

Phone (808) 966-7622 Email to receive our posts. 2 on the planet.

For more information see

Remembering Lahaina Wildfire 1 Year Later

Thursday, August 8th, 2024

Remembering Lahaina!

The 102 who died

and all those who lost homes and businesses

Aug. 8, 2023




Aloha Forever!

We Stand with You and Will Never Forget

Lahaina Strong!

 Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action

P.O. Box 489 Ola’a (Kurtistown), Hawai’i 96760

Phone (808) 966-7622 Email to receive our posts.

For more information see

4 upcoming peace events on Hawaii Island

Thursday, July 18th, 2024
Four upcoming Peace events!
Hawaii County Mayoral Forum
Naniloa Hotel in Hilo on Banyan Drive.
1. Thursday, July 18, 2024, from Hawaii County Mayoral Forum at theNaniloa Hotel in Hilo on Banyan Drive.4:30 to 6 PM sign holding to Stop Bombing Pohakuloa and cancel Pohakuloa Lease, Cancel RIMPAC Now and Forever.
2. Friday weekly 3:30-5 PM Hilo Peace Vigil at the downtown Post Office
3. Sat. July 20th Cancel RIMPAC Now and Forever protest in Hilo 10 AM -Noon fronting the King Kamehameha Statue.
4.  Peace organizing Meeting, Monday, July 22, 2024, from 6-8 PM at the Kea’au Community Center, behind the Keaau Police station and clinic. Please pass the word. Mahalo.
Jim Albertini