July 23, 2021 Hilo Peace vigil leaflet
Endorse the Pacific
Declaration For Peace 
Sign the declaration here:https://ipan.org.au/endorse-the-pacific-peoples-declaration-for-peace-july-2021/?fbclid=IwAR0Thq-IhJBQs0n_T4vDoE95nCgbg9Nw9QlqoZBZ2qyA1IO-kEyxMPBysWg
Talisman Sabre military exercise occurs on alternate years with Rim of the Pacific RIMPAC in Hawaii. It brings together the Australian Defense Force (ADF) and United States (US) military plus many other countries during a time of global pandemic. Talisman Sabre takes place every two years on land and sea around Shoalwater Bay in Central Queensland, Australia, home of the Great Barrier Reef.
This is an important time to call out the dangers of militarism to the Pacific regions and the entire world that include: the destruction of the environment , the violation of the self-determination of indigenous peoples, the sexual exploitation of women and girls, land dispossession, irresponsible global military spending. threats to common security and an increasing threat of major war between the U.S. and China, etc.
For an Independent, Nuclear-Free and Military-Free Pacific!
1. Mourn all victims of violence. 2. Reject violence & war as solutions. 3. Defend civil liberties.
4. Oppose all discrimination, anti-Islamic, anti-Semitic, anti-Hawaiian, anti-Black, anti-Asian, etc.
5. Seek peace through peaceful means and work for justice in Hawai`i and around the world.
Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box 489 Ola’a (Kurtistown), Hawaii 96760
Phone (808) 966-7622 Email ja@malu-aina.org to receive our posts.
For more information www.malu-aina.org
July 23, 2021 Hilo Peace Vigil leaflet – week 1034– Fridays 3:30-5PM downtown Post Office