No More War — with Russia, China, etc.! Feb. 18, 2022 Hilo Peace Vigil leaflet

No More War!

No War with Russia, China, etc. The U.S. Doesn’t Own the World!

     The increasing US military tensions with Russia over Ukraine, and with China over Taiwan is just nuts. US media are fanning the flames of war hysteria. At the core of the problem is the US distorted view of itself as the Global Big Dog – the “exceptional” nation that owns the world. The US believes it has the right to be the global empire that dictates to all other nations, and the US media polishes that false image.

     Some say that not only earth belongs to America but the universe too. Billionaire Elon Musk wants to explode nuclear weapons over Mars to warm it up for human habitation and exploitation. Talk about an insane colonizing mentality. This deranged view of everything as a commodity needs to end now. Or it may end the world via global nuclear war, and/or climate disaster.

     We need a world of global cooperation, not military confrontation and domination. We have enough major human problems to deal with. – a global pandemic, rapidly increasing climate crises – intense storms, wildfires, drought, rising sea levels, rising temperatures, etc. Not to mention global hunger and a host of other pressing human needs.

     The US needs to come to terms with its own rapidly growing income gap between rich and poor. What’s at the root of the increasing homeless crisis in Hawaii and in most US cities? What about the staggering $30 TRILLION dollar US debt? What about the increasing divisions, racial injustice, declining voter rights, and democracy, the rise of fascism, growing racist hate crimes, drug overdose deaths, gun violence, lack of mental health services, and the list goes on? Just in this past year, more than 100,000 people in the US died from drug overdoses. That is horrifying but the worst US addiction is the nation’s addiction to war. Over the past few decades, millions have been killed, injured, or made refugees from US wars and regime change operations

     The major US war drug dealer is the Military-Industrial Media Complex – made up of the arms makers, bi-partisan lawmakers, and the media (with CIA and retired military talking head pundits) that weave the yarn of the need for war and more war. The spin is about “freedom & democracy,” but the reality is profits for the weapons makers and US global domination. America is in desperate need of a 12 step program to end its addiction to war. The present US war hysteria about Russia and China is beyond the anticommunist hysteria of the Cold War McCarthy era. It needs to stop!

War Never Again! Urgent Diplomacy & Peace


1. Mourn all victims of violence. 2. Reject violence & war as solutions. 3. Defend civil liberties.
4. Oppose all discrimination, anti-Islamic, anti-Semitic, anti-Hawaiian, anti-Black, anti-Asian, etc.
5. Seek peace through peaceful means and work for justice in Hawai`i and around the world.

Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box 489 Ola’a (Kurtistown), Hawai’i 96760

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Feb. 18, 2022, Hilo Peace Vigil leaflet – week 1064– Fridays 3:30-5 PM downtown Post Office

Jim Albertini Malu ‘Aina Center For Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box 489 Ola’a (Kurtistown) Hawai’i 96760
Phone 808-966-7622 Email Visit us on the web at