Archive for May, 2017

A timeless Graduation Message by the late Howard Zinn

Sunday, May 21st, 2017

Graduation Day With Howard Zinn

[Note for TomDispatch Readers: These days, when the only fully funded, expanding institutions in Washington may be in the national security state, when infrastructure is buckling nationwide, environmental protections are being radically stripped down, and ours is increasingly a government of the plutocrats, by the plutocrats, and for the plutocrats, when the White House is a daily producer of chaos news, the generals are riding high, America’s never-ending wars trundle onward, the Oval Office is a personal business venture, and the health care of millions stands in danger of being defunded, when climate-change denial is the order of the day on a fast-warming planet and our president’s dream world is a fossil-fuelized 1950s America, in a gerrymandered nation where voting is once again becoming a white privilege, if you happen to be a member of the class of 2017 graduating from college in the coming weeks, how could you not worry about the world you’re entering and what your lives in it might be like? How could you not feel unnerved, discouraged, and dismayed? With that in mind, I thought it might be appropriate to offer a classic graduation speech by Howard Zinn, famed author of A People’s History of the United States. It was first featured at TomDispatch in another moment of potential discouragement back in May 2005. Zinn’s words then — “The lesson… is that you must not despair, that if you are right, and you persist, things will change” — ring no less powerfully today. (And just to set the scene, I even included my little introduction of that moment.) 

One other note: remember that our recent offer for Peter Van Buren’s new what-if novel, Hooper’s War, about the last days of World War II in the Pacific is still available at our donation page. For $100 ($125 if you live outside the U.S.), you can get State Department whistleblower Van Buren’s new book signed and personalized and, at the same time, help support a site that’s hell-bent on seeing a less discouraging world emerge from our present chaos. Tom]   

It’s a beautiful day in May. The sun is streaming down; the birds are on their migration paths north; the first daylilies are just breaking into bloom — and students are gathering for their graduation ceremonies on an afternoon when everything seems just right in a world where so much seems so wrong. These are the students who began their college lives within weeks, possibly days, even hours of that moment when, on September 11, 2001, the first hijacked plane hit the north tower of the World Trade Center. Certainly they — above all classes of recent times — have the right to peer into a murky future and wonder, with a certain trepidation, what’s in store for them. Through no fault of their own, they have earned the right to discouragement, even perhaps despair.

And yet, as our commencement speaker steps to the podium, that sun is shining brightly enough to imagine the world begun anew — and don’t we all, these students at the end of their college careers and the rest of us, don’t we all have the right to graduate, all those of us who, whatever our ages, come from the class of 9/11?

So all of you, settle into your chairs, take off your hats, feel the comforting heat of that sun beating down, and consider the words of Howard Zinn as he urges the students of Spelman College not to be discouraged, not to despair, but to enter the world with their heads held high, imagining what each of them might do for him or herself — and for the rest of us. Tom

Against Discouragement
By Howard Zinn

[In 1963, historian Howard Zinn was fired from Spelman College, where he was chair of the History Department, because of his civil rights activities. This year, he was invited back to give the commencement address. Here is the text of that speech, given on May 15, 2005.]

I am deeply honored to be invited back to Spelman after forty-two years. I would like to thank the faculty and trustees who voted to invite me, and especially your president, Dr. Beverly Tatum. And it is a special privilege to be here with Diahann Carroll and Virginia Davis Floyd.

But this is your day — the students graduating today. It’s a happy day for you and your families. I know you have your own hopes for the future, so it may be a little presumptuous for me to tell you what hopes I have for you, but they are exactly the same ones that I have for my grandchildren.

My first hope is that you will not be too discouraged by the way the world looks at this moment. It is easy to be discouraged, because our nation is at war — still another war, war after war — and our government seems determined to expand its empire even if it costs the lives of tens of thousands of human beings. There is poverty in this country, and homelessness, and people without health care, and crowded classrooms, but our government, which has trillions of dollars to spend, is spending its wealth on war. There are a billion people in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East who need clean water and medicine to deal with malaria and tuberculosis and AIDS, but our government, which has thousands of nuclear weapons, is experimenting with even more deadly nuclear weapons. Yes, it is easy to be discouraged by all that.

But let me tell you why, in spite of what I have just described, you must not be discouraged.

I want to remind you that, fifty years ago, racial segregation here in the South was entrenched as tightly as was apartheid in South Africa. The national government, even with liberal presidents like Kennedy and Johnson in office, was looking the other way while black people were beaten and killed and denied the opportunity to vote. So black people in the South decided they had to do something by themselves. They boycotted and sat in and picketed and demonstrated, and were beaten and jailed, and some were killed, but their cries for freedom were soon heard all over the nation and around the world, and the President and Congress finally did what they had previously failed to do — enforce the 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution. Many people had said: The South will never change. But it did change. It changed because ordinary people organized and took risks and challenged the system and would not give up. That’s when democracy came alive.

I want to remind you also that when the war in Vietnam was going on, and young Americans were dying and coming home paralyzed, and our government was bombing the villages of Vietnam — bombing schools and hospitals and killing ordinary people in huge numbers — it looked hopeless to try to stop the war. But just as in the Southern movement, people began to protest and soon it caught on. It was a national movement. Soldiers were coming back and denouncing the war, and young people were refusing to join the military, and the war had to end.

The lesson of that history is that you must not despair, that if you are right, and you persist, things will change. The government may try to deceive the people, and the newspapers and television may do the same, but the truth has a way of coming out. The truth has a power greater than a hundred lies. I know you have practical things to do — to get jobs and get married and have children. You may become prosperous and be considered a success in the way our society defines success, by wealth and standing and prestige. But that is not enough for a good life.

Remember Tolstoy’s story, “The Death of Ivan Illych.” A man on his deathbed reflects on his life, how he has done everything right, obeyed the rules, become a judge, married, had children, and is looked upon as a success. Yet, in his last hours, he wonders why he feels a failure. After becoming a famous novelist, Tolstoy himself had decided that this was not enough, that he must speak out against the treatment of the Russian peasants, that he must write against war and militarism.

My hope is that whatever you do to make a good life for yourself — whether you become a teacher, or social worker, or business person, or lawyer, or poet, or scientist — you will devote part of your life to making this a better world for your children, for all children. My hope is that your generation will demand an end to war, that your generation will do something that has not yet been done in history and wipe out the national boundaries that separate us from other human beings on this earth.

Recently I saw a photo on the front page of the New York Times which I cannot get out of my mind. It showed ordinary Americans sitting on chairs on the southern border of Arizona, facing Mexico. They were holding guns and they were looking for Mexicans who might be trying to cross the border into the United States. This was horrifying to me — the realization that, in this twenty-first century of what we call “civilization,” we have carved up what we claim is one world into two hundred artificially created entities we call “nations” and are ready to kill anyone who crosses a boundary.

Is not nationalism — that devotion to a flag, an anthem, a boundary, so fierce it leads to murder — one of the great evils of our time, along with racism, along with religious hatred? These ways of thinking, cultivated, nurtured, indoctrinated from childhood on, have been useful to those in power, deadly for those out of power.

Here in the United States, we are brought up to believe that our nation is different from others, an exception in the world, uniquely moral; that we expand into other lands in order to bring civilization, liberty, democracy. But if you know some history you know that’s not true. If you know some history, you know we massacred Indians on this continent, invaded Mexico, sent armies into Cuba, and the Philippines. We killed huge numbers of people, and we did not bring them democracy or liberty. We did not go into Vietnam to bring democracy; we did not invade Panama to stop the drug trade; we did not invade Afghanistan and Iraq to stop terrorism. Our aims were the aims of all the other empires of world history — more profit for corporations, more power for politicians.

The poets and artists among us seem to have a clearer understanding of the disease of nationalism. Perhaps the black poets especially are less enthralled with the virtues of American “liberty” and “democracy,” their people having enjoyed so little of it. The great African-American poet Langston Hughes addressed his country as follows:

You really haven’t been a virgin for so long.
It’s ludicrous to keep up the pretext

You’ve slept with all the big powers
In military uniforms,
And you’ve taken the sweet life
Of all the little brown fellows

Being one of the world’s big vampires,
Why don’t you come on out and say so
Like Japan, and England, and France,
And all the other nymphomaniacs of power.

I am a veteran of the Second World War. That was considered a “good war,” but I have come to the conclusion that war solves no fundamental problems and only leads to more wars. War poisons the minds of soldiers, leads them to kill and torture, and poisons the soul of the nation.

My hope is that your generation will demand that your children be brought up in a world without war. If we want a world in which the people of all countries are brothers and sisters, if the children all over the world are considered as our children, then war — in which children are always the greatest casualties — cannot be accepted as a way of solving problems.

I was on the faculty of Spelman College for seven years, from 1956 to 1963. It was a heartwarming time, because the friends we made in those years have remained our friends all these years. My wife Roslyn and I and our two children lived on campus. Sometimes when we went into town, white people would ask: How is it to be living in the black community? It was hard to explain. But we knew this — that in downtown Atlanta, we felt as if we were in alien territory, and when we came back to the Spelman campus, we felt that we were at home.

Those years at Spelman were the most exciting of my life, the most educational certainly. I learned more from my students than they learned from me. Those were the years of the great movement in the South against racial segregation, and I became involved in that in Atlanta, in Albany, Georgia, in Selma, Alabama, in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, and Greenwood and Itta Bena and Jackson. I learned something about democracy: that it does not come from the government, from on high, it comes from people getting together and struggling for justice. I learned about race. I learned something that any intelligent person realizes at a certain point — that race is a manufactured thing, an artificial thing, and while race does matter (as Cornel West has written), it only matters because certain people want it to matter, just as nationalism is something artificial. I learned that what really matters is that all of us — of whatever so-called race and so-called nationality — are human beings and should cherish one another.

I was lucky to be at Spelman at a time when I could watch a marvelous transformation in my students, who were so polite, so quiet, and then suddenly they were leaving the campus and going into town, and sitting in, and being arrested, and then coming out of jail full of fire and rebellion. You can read all about that in Harry Lefever’s book Undaunted by the Fight. One day Marian Wright (now Marian Wright Edelman), who was my student at Spelman, and was one of the first arrested in the Atlanta sit-ins, came to our house on campus to show us a petition she was about to put on the bulletin board of her dormitory. The heading on the petition epitomized the transformation taking place at Spelman College. Marian had written on top of the petition: “Young Ladies Who Can Picket, Please Sign Below.”

My hope is that you will not be content just to be successful in the way that our society measures success; that you will not obey the rules, when the rules are unjust; that you will act out the courage that I know is in you. There are wonderful people, black and white, who are models. I don’t mean African- Americans like Condoleezza Rice, or Colin Powell, or Clarence Thomas, who have become servants of the rich and powerful. I mean W.E.B. DuBois and Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and Marian Wright Edelman, and James Baldwin and Josephine Baker and good white folk, too, who defied the Establishment to work for peace and justice.

Another of my students at Spelman, Alice Walker, who, like Marian, has remained our friend all these years, came from a tenant farmer’s family in Eatonton, Georgia, and became a famous writer. In one of her first published poems, she wrote:

It is true–
I’ve always loved
the daring
Like the black young
Who tried
to crash
All barriers
at once,
wanted to
At a white
beach (in Alabama)

I am not suggesting you go that far, but you can help to break down barriers, of race certainly, but also of nationalism; that you do what you can — you don’t have to do something heroic, just something, to join with millions of others who will just do something, because all of those somethings, at certain points in history, come together, and make the world better.

That marvelous African-American writer Zora Neale Hurston, who wouldn’t do what white people wanted her to do, who wouldn’t do what black people wanted her to do, who insisted on being herself, said that her mother advised her: Leap for the sun — you may not reach it, but at least you will get off the ground.

By being here today, you are already standing on your toes, ready to leap. My hope for you is a good life.

Howard Zinn (1922–2010) was a historian, playwright, and activist. He wrote the classic A People’s History of the United States, which will be available soon in a new 35th anniversary edition, and A People’s History of American Empire, told in comics form, with Mike Konopacki and Paul Buhle. He taught at Spelman College, a black women’s college in Atlanta, where he became active in the civil rights movement. After being fired by Spelman for his support of student protesters, Zinn became a professor of political science at Boston University. Zinn was the author of many books, including an autobiography, You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train. He received the Lannan Foundation Literary Award for Nonfiction and the Eugene V. Debs award for his writing and political activism.

Follow TomDispatch on Twitter and join us on Facebook. Check out the newest Dispatch Book, John Dower’s The Violent American Century: War and Terror Since World War II, as well as John Feffer’s dystopian novel Splinterlands, Nick Turse’s Next Time They’ll Come to Count the Dead, and Tom Engelhardt’s Shadow Government: Surveillance, Secret Wars, and a Global Security State in a Single-Superpower World.

Copyright 2005 Howard Zinn

Hilo Military meeting with community on National Historic Preservation Act concerning cultural, religious, and historic sites at the military Pohakuloa Training Area

Saturday, May 20th, 2017

This meeting was one of the most insulting I ever attended in my life. The military turned away people at the door that had not sought prior permission to attend even though the notice sent out did not state that requirement.  It is clear this is just a legal requirement for the military and they have no intention of seriously addressing questions that may restrict or stop their bombing plans, even on a base known to be contaminated with Depleted Uranium radiation.  As for a question that the military address an exit plan for Pohakuloa with their lease expiring in 2029, it was very clear the they have no intention of leaving.  That is how occupation works.  How dare we raise that question and insist that the the entire area of Po-haku-loa –“the Land of the Night of Long Prayer” is sacred.  It’s viewed as the heavenly realm of unity between the three great mountains –Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa, and Hualalai.This entire area should be designated  an historic site of cultural and religious significance. To bomb such an area is desecration pure and simple!  Auwe!

Important info about Kona Friday Meeting on Pohakuloa

Thursday, May 18th, 2017

Meeting 5:30-7:30 Friday, May 19th in the Kona Council Chambers about Protecting Pohakuloa cultural and religious sites.

 Anyone planning to go to the Kona Pohakuloa meeting  and wanting to speak needs to either email or phone Julie Taomia 436-4280 <> ahead of time. Some people were not even allowed in to the Hilo meeting tonight. because they were not on a list. Ridiculous bureaucratic nonsense. We made a stink so they said they will allow anyone in as observers to the Kona meeting but to speak you need to contact Julie by phone or email ahead of time. They also try and restrict focus, but please speak from your hearts about what the bombing of the sacred aina, cultural and spiritual sites and area means to you. I presented the letter with over 40 signers on it and gave copies to all present. Mahalo and solidarity. Jim Albertini

Important Public meetings in Hilo & Kona this week with the military concerning Protecting Pohakuloa

Wednesday, May 17th, 2017

The military is required by law — the National Historic Preservation Act to hold what are called 106 consultation meetings with the community in an attempt to develop a “programmatic agreement” concerning activities at federal locations that have historic sites.  This statement is about Pohakuloa.  There will be meetings coming up as noted below.  Please email Jim Albertini if you would like you name added to this statement to be delivered at the Hilo and or Kona meetings.  Attend or call in to the meetings if possible to add your own mana’o and please spread the word about the meetings and encouraging people to add their names to this joint statement.  Mahalo. Jim Albertini

Date: Thursday, May 18, 2017 Time: 5:30-7:30 pm Place: Aupuni Conference Room, 101 Pauahi Street, Suite 1, Hilo Call-in Line: 808-655-9988 Code: 0518# Date: Friday, May 19, 2017 Time: 5:30-7:30 pm Place: West Hawai’i Civic Center, Council Chambers, 74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Highway, Kailua-Kona Call-in line: 808-655-9988 Code: 0519#


Aloha ‘Aina – Protect Pohakuloa


To Military officials, Julie Taomia, others listed and ccd in her May 11, 2017 email, county, state, and federal officials, news and social media.



Aloha Kakou,


  1. Mahalo for the invitation to the May 18 Hilo & May 19 Kona meetings but the short advanced notice of 1 week leaves little time for inviting others, arranging schedules, and preparing meaningful input. This is a good faith effort in that direction nevertheless. The last consultation meeting on Pohakuloa was Sept. 30, 2016 at Pohakuloa and no minute notes of that meeting have been posted to date. How Come?
  2. At the Sept. 2016 meeting a request was made in writing for religious ceremony access to the ahu built at the base of Pu’u Ka Pele during the coming Makahiki season from Nov. thru Feb. Numerous follow up requests were made as well. No access for religious ceremony was granted. How come?
  3. At a Dec. 19, 2016 meeting at PTA which we thought was going to be a day of religious access, we were told that a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) needed to be developed for access. We said whatever SOP was good for the Hawaii Island Chamber of Commerce recent site visits should be good for us. At that Dec. meeting those of us who came for religious ceremony signed a statement on the spot and hand delivered it to PTA Commander Lt. Col. Chris Marquez, which said: “Right of Religious Practice. We the undersigned do not recognize the U.S. military’s authority to prohibit religious access to Pohakuloa – the Land of the Night of Long Prayer. It is the right of the people to practice their religion by placing ho’okupu on the ahu at the base of Pu’u K Pele.” It is now 8 months since our written request for religious access and No SOP has been developed to date and access continues to be denied. How come?
  4. At the Dec. 19 meeting Julie Taomia said 1200 historic sites on PTA have been identified, since 1995 when the cultural section was established at PTA but less than 1/3 of PTA’s 133,000-acres have been surveyed for cultural and religious sites to date. How come?
  5. On several occasions we have asked for a list and map of the known sites, especially the religious sites. To date, nothing has been provided. How come?


    In light of the above we call for the following:


  1. That a timetable be developed for the complete survey of cultural and religious sites for the entire 133,000-acre PTA, and that local Hawaiian authorities, not out of state universities and people be utilized in this effort.
  2. The current list and details with maps of the 1200 known sites, including the 7 religious sites, be released immediately.
  3. A SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for access to religious sites be developed immediately. It is long overdue.


     Without such good faith efforts on behalf of PTA, there can be no moving forward on a possible programmatic agreement at PTA because people do not have the information relevant to consider moving forward.


     Furthermore, all PTA expansion plans being considered should be made public. In the email announcing this consultation meeting, the Army stated, “Consultation topics will be limited to relevant issues as time is limited.” Let’s be clear. It is not the role of the Army to silence the community or dictate the topics that are relevant and to be discussed. The purpose of the consultation is to identify potential harm to historic/cultural/religious sites, including broad cultural/religious landscapes that encompass Po-haku-loa – The Land of the Night of Long Prayer.” It is also the job of the Army to identify measures it can take to avoid the identified harms, or at least to minimize the harm. To really be comprehensive, the programmatic agreement needs to have a MILITARY EXIT PLAN, a plan to clean up all toxins, including Depleted Uranium, UXOs, etc. a plan to restore the area to its pre-military use environment, and funding for Native Hawaiian education, health care in perpetuity in partial compensation for the damage done. We need to learn from Kaho’olawe. Pohakuloa’s 133,000 acres is nearly Five Times the size of Kaho’olawe. This time we want a 100% commitment, (not a 10% commitment,) to clean up 100% of your mess.             It will be up to the Hawaiian people to determine when the job is done to their satisfaction not your satisfaction.


     Toward the long term goal of a demilitarized Hawaii, and the return of Hawaiian Kingdom Government and Crown lands, we specifically demand the following short-term issues be addressed:


  1. An assessment of the impact of past military training activities at Pohakuloa on cultural and religious sites – including the rubbish, UXO, and other toxins that have not been cleaned up in areas near identified known sites;
  2. That the entire Pohakuloa area –the Land of the Night of Long Prayer, the entire area known as the heavenly realm of unity between the three great mountains –Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa, and Hualalai be designated as an historic site of cultural and religious significance. This area to include all cultural and religious sites – including Pu’u, Heiau identified from oral tradition, cultural and religious practice.
  3. Identify how the present training activities including, what is it now — 15 million live-rounds fired annually? What are the impacts to historic sites, cultural and religious resources and traditional practices? Also include the impact of 2000 or 3000 pound inert bombs dropped from 30,000 feet by B-52, B-1 and B-2 bombers flying non-stop from Guam, Missouri, Louisiana, and perhaps places unknown.
  4. The military needs to recognize the importance of access to cultural and religious sites. The time for lip service is over. Show you recognize the importance by opening access to sites for traditional cultural and religious practice NOW!


     Mahalo for your attention to these important concerns.


(Signature list in formation)


— Jim Albertini Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box 489 Kurtistown, Hawaii 96760 Phone 808-966-7622 email visit us on the web at sign up on our website to automatically receive our posts

What is Blowing in the Wind at Pohakuloa?

Wednesday, May 17th, 2017

Disorderly Conduct?

For a phone call to inform teachers and  parents that their school children may have been exposed to Depleted Uranium (DU) oxide dust at the April 20th Military Pohakuloa Earth Day event?  Since when is trying to protect children’s health and safety Disorderly Conduct? 


      A Disorderly Conduct complaint has been filed with police against peace activist, Jim Albertini, by Connections Public Charter School in Hilo. The complaint stems from Albertini calling the school on Friday, May 12th seeking email addresses for teachers who took their students to the April 20, 2017 Earth Day events at the 133,000-acre military Pohakuloa Training Area. Albertini said he wanted to get information to teachers and parents of students about the dangers of inhaling Depleted Uranium (DU) oxide dust particles possibly being dispersed by heavy artillery live-fire taking place at Pohakuloa on April 20. Hilo Police officer C Sugimoto informed Albertini that the Connections School Principal filed the complaint because “my phone call caused the school to feel ‘alarmed.’”

      Albertini said his organization, Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action, conducted radiation monitoring with an Inspector Plus monitor for several hours outside the Pohakuloa main gate on April 20. They recorded 8 readings in the 60s Counts Per Minute (CPM) and the highest reading of 74 CPM at 10:49AM. Normal background is in the 5-20 CPM range. The winds on the morning of April 20 at Pohakuloa were from the south, coming off the bombing range toward the base compound and main gate area where the Earth Day events were taking place. The winds increased as the morning went on.

      In his phone call and follow up email to Connections and other schools who had students join Pohakuloa Earth Day events, Albertini urged teachers and parents to view a short video where Hawaii Dr. Lorrin Pang, MD explains in simple terms the health dangers of inhaling Depleted Uranium oxide dust. Dr. Pang has spent 24 years in the Army Medical Corps and is listed in America’s Best Doctors. Albertini offered to try and arrange a meeting of teachers, and parents of the children who attended Pohakuloa earth Day events with Dr. Pang if there was interest. An article in West Hawaii Today on April 21 by Laura Ruminski noted that besides Connections PCS, Kaumana Elementary, St. Joe’s, Honoka’a High School and possibly other schools had students who attended the April 20 Pohakuloa Earth Day events.

      Albertini said his efforts are to share concern for the health and safety of school children. He said that learning about the dangers of inhaling DU oxide dust particles may be “alarming,” but it hardly merits a “Disorderly Conduct” criminal complaint against the messenger. Albertini said he would be glad to do Ho’oponopono with Connections school principal and teachers if they would be willing. Albertini said “I believe strongly in the principles of Kapu Aloha and non-violence where the means we use must be in line with the end that we seek. If we truly want peace, we must be firmly committed to using peaceful means and treat all people with aloha and respect.”

 Are DU Oxide Particles Blowing in the DUst off Pohakuloa?

What kind of world are we creating for future generations?  Is the U.S. military exploiting children by hosting an “Earth Day” event while bombing the earth?

  1. Mourn all victims of violence. 2. Reject war as a solution. 3. Defend civil liberties.
    4. Oppose all discrimination, anti-Islamic, anti-Semitic, anti-Hawaiian, etc.
    5. Seek peace through peaceful means and work for justice in Hawai`i and around the world.

Contact: Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action
P.O. Box 489 Kurtistown, Hawai’i 96760 Phone (808) 966-7622. Email:

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Hilo Peace Vigil leaflet May 19, 2017– 817th week – Friday 3:30-5PM downtown Post Office