Archive for August, 2024

Red Hill on 60 minutes

Sunday, August 18th, 2024

Red Hill military jet fuel contamination of Oahu’s water on 60 minutes tonight Aug. 18t. Pass the word.

John Oliver on Hawaii history and injustice

Friday, August 16th, 2024
Hawaii: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
John Oliver discusses how Hawaii has long been run for the benefit of everyone but Hawaiians, how certain groups keep creating messes for locals, and what Mark Zuckerberg wishes for when he sees a star.
Hawaii: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
Hawaii: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
John Oliver discusses how Hawaii has long been run for the benefit of everyone but Hawaiians, how certain groups keep creating messes for locals, and what Ma…

Hiroshima Peace Declaration!

Friday, August 16th, 2024

Full Text of Hiroshima Peace Declaration on 79th Anniversary of Atomic Bombing

Kazumi Matsui

Mainichi (Japan)

Citizens of the world, what do you think? Are more powerful nuclear forces necessary for national security? What about arms races, competing to maintain superiority over other nations? Peace Declaration marking 79 years since the bombing of Hiroshima

Hawaii Fake US State! Illegally Occupied Independent Nation

Friday, August 16th, 2024

Hawaii: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

John Oliver discusses how Hawaii has long been run for the benefit of everyone but Hawaiians, how certain groups keep creating messes for locals, and what Mark Zuckerberg wishes for when he sees a star.

No Lie Can Live Forever! Hawaii Statehood Day!

Tuesday, August 13th, 2024

Hawaii Fake Statehood Day!

                                           Hawaii Statehood Day or Admission Day, as it is also called, is a holiday in the State of Hawaii. It is a day celebrated annually on the third Friday in August when Hawaii allegedly became the 50th State of the United States. In 2024, that date of celebration is Friday, August 16. The only problem is Hawaii Statehood Day is an illegal fraud, repeated over and over for more than 50 years.

We need to learn the true history of Hawaii., not the fake history proclaimed by the US Empire. Here are some important historical truths.  No Lie Can Live Forever!

1. Hawaii was recognized as an independent nation by the Family of Nations in 1843.

2. In 1887, a Bayonet Constitution was forced upon Hawaii King David Kalakaua by US Sugar Barons that gave exclusive use of Pearl Harbor to the US military and took away many Hawaiian rights.

3. In 1893, these same Sugar Barons, with the direct assistance of US military troops overthrew the Hawaiian government of Queen Lili’uokalani.

4. In 1898, the US declared Hawaii was annexed to the US. The truth is that the annexation of Hawaii never legally happened. Annexation requires a signed treaty and approval by a 2/3 vote of the US Senate. No treaty of annexation was ever signed and only a resolution was passed in the US.

5. Since Hawaii was never legally annexed, it never legally became a territory of the US, and therefore never legally could become a state of the US.

     The truth is Hawaii continues to be an illegally occupied Independent Nation by the US Empire. It first occurred on behalf of US Sugar barons and the US military. The Sugar plantations are gone elsewhere to exploit people and land, but many of the sugar baron descendants continue to illegally occupy large portions of Hawaiian land. The US military has expanded its presence to include more than 100 military installations and has contaminated much of the land and water with a wide range of toxins. The military has seized large portions of Hawaiian lands by Presidential and governor executive orders, and state land leases. Here on Hawaii Island a Presidential executive order seized 84,000 acres of Hawaiian land at Pohakuloa, and the military leased 23,000 additional acres at Pohakuloa from the Fake state for 65 years. All for a total cost of $1.00 for the 65 years. That lease and other $1 military leases on Oahu are up for renewal. Pray tell, what will Fake state officials do?

     The Sugar plantations have been replaced by a corporate-controlled tourist industry and high-tech barons now occupying large acreages of Hawaiian lands. Larry Ellison of Oracle Corp controls 98% of Lanai, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook has a giant compound on Kauai that includes a dozen buildings, at least 30 bedrooms and bathrooms, 11 treehouses connected by rope bridges, and even a tunnel system that leads to a 5000-square foot underground bunker. Jeff Bezos of Amazon has put down stakes in Maui, Michael Dell of Dell Computers and Mark Beneoff of Sales Force are on Hawaii Island.

     Today Native Hawaiians are being pushed out of their homeland, priced out of corporate and high-tech controlled paradise. 15,000 Native Hawaiians are leaving Hawaii annually for the US continent. There are now more Hawaiians living in Los Vegas, LA, etc than in Hawaii itself. SHAMEFUL!

Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action

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