May 24, 2024, Hilo Peace Vigil leaflet on MIlitary Madness!

Stop US Military Madness!

The military in Hawaii is out of control and having a deadly impact on the life of our lands like they did on Kaho’olawe.” Walter Ritte, Hawaiian activist 4/29/24

Up to 7 Air Force military space telescopes are planned for Haleakala on Maui (photo below). Sentinel Landscape military buffer zones around military bases are planned on Oahu, Kauai, and Hawaii Island. Military covert Special Operations (Assassination training) are taking place OUTSIDE military bases on all islands, using tourists and local people unknowingly as props. US military Assassin Reaper Drones are also now training in Hawaii.

Air Force Site on Haleakala, Maui for up to 7 telescopes

Hawaii is already one of the most militarized (and military-poisoned) places on the planet. There are more than 100 active US military installations in Hawaii. On Hawaii Island alone, there are at least 57 present and former US military sites on land totaling more than 250,000 acres in need of military cleanup – everything from unexploded ordnance to military chemical and biological weapons, Depleted Uranium (DU) radiation, etc. After more than $400 million was spent to clean up Kaho’olawe, the island is still littered with unexploded ordnance on land and in nearshore waters. Pearl Harbor, once Hawaii’s fish breeding center, is now a military-polluted Superfund site. Nuclear waste has been discharged into Pearl Harbor and more than 2000 fifty-five-gallon drums of military nuclear waste have been dumped off Oahu’s southern shores. Military jet fuel has leaked from massive underground fuel tanks at Red Hill on Oahu, contaminating the groundwater supply of more than 100,000 people, including military families. The full extent of military groundwater contamination is still unknown.

Sentinel Landscape is the creation of modern-day buffer-zone “land moats” around the castles of US militarism. Those who got to lease the castle “land moats” on Oahu and Kauai have been mainly chemical GMO biotech Fortune 500 seed corporations. Whatever farm crops and animals raised near a toxic stew base like Pohakuloa, will likely carry the toxins of the base. A 10-mile radius “Sentinel Landscape” buffer zone is being proposed for Pohakuloa. It is said that most or all of Oahu, Kauai, and the Big Island could be designated as a Sentinel Landscape in service of US militarism.

Read more about Sentinel Landscape here: See the 2 min video on Sentinel Landscape here


Feds Designate 2,000,000 Acres of Hawaii as ‘Sentinel Landscapes’ 5/16/24
By Ed Case @ 2:02 AM: 484 Views:: Environment, Congressional Delegation, Land Use, Military

Aloha ‘Aina Action Needed!

Counter the Military Big Lie:

“We are Stewards of the Land”

Pohakuloa commander LTC Timothy Alvarado

June 7, 2024, Public Comment Deadline for Pohakuloa Training Area Draft 2 EIS Lease. Email to, mail to ATLR PTA EIS Comments, P.O. Box 3444, Honolulu, HI 96801-3444.

Emphasize No Military Lease Renewal, No Land Swaps, No Buffer zones, Stop the Bombing and Desecration, Shut Down PTA, Make the Military Clean Up its Toxic Mess, Return the Land to the Kanaka Maoli, and pay reparations for the destruction of the ‘aina and psychological injuries caused.

See Jim Albertini’s testimony here:

Learn more: Read the PTA Environmental Impact Statement here For more detailed testimony by Jim Albertini on the Pohakuloa EIS see Also See the 11-minute video — How the Army Got to Bomb Hawaii For $1 Pohakuloa 14 min. video “Now that you Know, Do You Care?” Also the video of Dr. Lorrin Pang, M.D., public health officer, retired 24 years in the Army Medical Corps and listed in the Who’s Who (top 3%) of America’s Best Doctors explaining the health dangers of inhaling DU oxide dust particles Also read – A Brief History Of US Military Poisoning Of Hawai’i – PopularResistance.Org

June 7, 2024, Public Comment Deadline for Haleakala Telescopes.  Email or send via U.S. Mail: AMOS STAR EIS c/o Tetra Tech, 1230 Colombia St., Suite 1000, San Diego, CA 92101. The project’s website is at

See the article in Maui Now on AF telescopes

Read more about Military Special Ops here

Aloha ‘Aina!  De-Militarize & De-Occupy Hawaii Now!

Restore the Independent Nation of Hawai’i!

Stop the US/Israel Genocide in Gaza!

Stop the US Provoking Global War with Russia & China!

Cancel RIMPAC 2024  Peace is a Victory for All.

1 . Mourn all victims of violence. 2. Reject violence & war as solutions. 3. Defend civil liberties.  4. Oppose all discrimination: anti-Islamic, anti-Semitic, anti-Hawaiian, anti-Black, anti-Asian, anti-Russian, anti-LGBTQ, etc. 5. Seek peace through peaceful means and work for justice in Hawai`i and around the world.

 Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action

P.O. Box 489 Ola’a (Kurtistown), Hawai’i 96760

                            Phone (808) 966-7622 Email to receive our posts.

For more information see

May 24, 2024, Hilo Peace Vigil leaflet – week 1182 – Fridays 3:30-5 PM downtown Post Office