Only One Spot Of Drought On Hawaiʻi Island Map — Guess where? 

Only One Spot of Drought On Hawai’i Island Map  — Guess Where? (See below)

The Big island Drought spot on the map below includes the 132,000 plus Military live-fire Pohakuloa Toxic Area (PTA). According to the military’s own Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in its attempt to renew the lease of 23,000 acres of State “CONSERVATION ZONE LAND — the highest protected land status —

“Military activity at PTA has started 892 wildfires since 1975.”

 (link to the Pohakuloa EIS is here —

Pohakuloa is a Lahaina firestorm in the making for Hawaii Island and the danger is increasing with climate change. The military says “many fire records prior to 2012 have been lost.” (p. 354) One year before the Lahaina fire, a fire started at PTA burned more than 17,700 acres, including more than 12,400 acres outside of PTA , destroying endangered native species. PTA has the highest concentration of endangered species of any US Army installation in the world.

It doesn’t take a genius to say STOP ALL BOMBING AND SHELLING. Shut down and clean up the toxic mess at PTA and restore and return the land to the Kanaka Maoli people.  It’s a no brainer!  NO NEW LEASE, LAND SWAP, ETC.

Jim Albertini

Jim Albertini Malu 'Aina Center For Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box 489 Ola'a (Kurtistown) Hawai'i 96760
Phone 808-966-7622 Email Visit us on the web at

  Learn more: Read the PTA Environmental Impact Statement here to submit comments in writing by mail, email. Deadline is June 7, 2024.  For more detailed testimony by Jim Albertini on the Pohakuloa EIS see Also See the 11-minute video — How the Army Got to Bomb Hawaii For $1 Pohakuloa 14 min. video “Now that you Know, Do You Care?” Also the video of Dr. Lorrin Pang, M.D., public health officer, retired 24 years in the Army Medical Corps, and listed in the Who’s Who (top 3%) of America’s Best Doctors explaining the health dangers of inhaling DU oxide dust particles Also read – A Brief History Of US Military Poisoning Of Hawai’i – PopularResistance.Org

Only One Spot Of Drought On Hawaiʻi Island Map
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