Fool me once… fool me twice….

U.S. Operation

“Tomahawk with Cheese”

On Hold For Now!

Kerry cartoon

Don’t be fooled again! The U.S. concern in Syria is not about chemical weapons, and the killing of innocence. It is about regime change in Syria as a stepping stone to regime change in Iran, etc. to serve the interests of Global Empire for money and power that knows no bounds.

Peace Now!  

No More Lies!  

No More War!

1. Mourn all victims of violence. 2. Reject war as a solution. 3. Defend civil liberties. 4. Oppose all discrimination, anti-Islamic, anti-Semitic, anti-Hawaiian, etc. 5. Seek peace through justice in Hawai`i and around the world.
Malu `Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box AB Kurtistown, Hawai`i 96760.
(808) 966-7622Email

Hilo Peace Vigil leaflet (September 20, 2013– 626th week) – Friday 3:30-5PM downtown Post Office