Donations to Ohana Ho’opakele in Uncle Sam Kaleleiki’s memory

Dear Peace Ohana,
This week’s leaflet for our Hilo Peace vigil is a tribute to Uncle Sam Kaleleiki, Jr. who recently died.   I trust you already received the leaflet.
If not, it is available on our Malu Aina website
Below is a photo of Sam, and other Ohana Ho’opakele plaintiffs in a lawsuit to have Kulani prison designated as a model Pu’uhonua (place of healing) as an alternative to prison.  Native Hawaiian concerns raised in the Environmental Assessment process were not taken seriously so we filed suit and now the case is on appeal.  Ohana Ho’opakele still has to raise $1500 to cover lawyer expenses for the appeal.  If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to Ohana Ho’opakele in Sam’s memory to help with the appeal it would be greatly appreciated.  Sam served as President of Ohana Ho’opakele for many years.  Donations can be made through Pay Pal on website or by sending checks to Ohana Ho’opakele P.O. Box 5530 Hilo, Hawaii 96720.
Mahalo for your solidarity and honoring the memory of Uncle Sam.
Jim Albertini

Kulani plaintiffsBottom row: Palikapu Dedman and Nohea Crutcher
Top row: Jim Albertini, Uncle Sam Kaleleiki, Ron Fujiyoshi