Meetings in Hilo & Kona on Pohakuloa impacts
Ruth update May 8, 2019 after military is saying the public and the press will not be allowed in to the Kona and Hilo meetings — “anyone who is not a consulting party, or signatory will not be allowed in the meeting,” says Julie Taomia of PTA
Will be at the Kona meeting peacefully pushing for all to get in. The military has resisted holding public meetings because of the potential of encountering turnouts with unfavorable input. Commander Borce has publicly and privately stated on numerous occasions his support for community, yet failed to hold a public community meeting since his arrival. The Section 106 process is being used to block and silence Native Hawaiians and the broader community. The Programmatic Agreement was passed without full approval of myself and others. The agreement is not limited to certain individuals or groups. Again, the military is shoving their plans in our faces to swallow. Nope, not taking it. Show up if you can, be peaceful. let’s be heard.
Kona will be pushing forward. Will keep Hilo updated. All in or all out.