You are invited to hear Mr. Kaleihau Kamau share the history of obtaining the Makahiki rights within the prison system! Please share!
You are invited to a special meeting of Ohana Ho`opakele to listen to Mr. Kaleihau Kamau, native Hawaiian cultural practitioner who first led the Makahiki ceremony within Diamondback Correctional Center in November 2003 (the first known Makahiki ceremony within a correctional center).
The gathering will be this Thursday, September 26. 2019 at 9 a.m. in the Youth Lounge of the Church of the Holy Cross, 440 W. Lanikaula St., Hilo (right across the UH Hilo, in the mauka parking lot). If lost tel. 345-9688.
Kaleihau is one of the kiai on Mauna Kea and will share the history of the long struggle to gain the right to practice the Hawaiian religious, cultural and traditional ceremonies within the prison system. He may end with sharing how being up on Mauna Kea is related to healing the pa`ahao who have spent years incarcerated.
Come; learn what the prison system really is like!
Ron Fujiyoshi,
for Ohana Ho`opakele