Archive for the ‘GMO’ Category

The Hawaii Tribune Herald said it will be printing the letter below

Friday, March 4th, 2016
Letter to the editor:

"Monsantoman" Clifton Tsuji does it again!

Shame on State Rep. Clift Tsuji. chair of the House Agricultural 
committee.   For the 2nd year in a row he killed a bill (HB 2564) that 
would have created buffer zones around schools to protect against 
pesticide drift.  What kind of a person won't protect kids from 
pesticide poisoning.  As a former banker, and "biotech legislator of the 
year," he appears more concerned about chemical company profits than 
protecting the common good, including children's health and safety.  
Tsuji brings shame on the entire Hilo district that he claims to 
represent.  Come on Hilo --stand up for the kids.  Send Tsuji packing.  
Let him go back to work for the bank instead of being a tax paid mascot 
for Monsanto and other special corporate interests. According to the 
Hawaii Campaign spending commission for the current election period 
2014-2016, Monsanto was Clifton Tsuji's largest campaign donor by twice 
the amount of his 2nd place donor, and not one donation came from the 
Hilo district that he supposedly represents as far as I could see on the 
list of donors.  Most came from Bishop street and Manoa Valley in 
Honolulu.  How come?

Jim Albertini
Jim Albertini Malu 'Aina Center For Non-violent Education & Action P.O. 
Box 489 Ola'a (Kurtistown) Hawai'i 96760 Phone 808-966-7622 Email www.malu-aina.orgTsuji monsantomouse

Protect Pohakuloa! Stop the Bombing!

Wednesday, January 20th, 2016

Aloha ‘Aina!

Kalo graphic                                                                                                        peace symbol





Hawaii &

The Pacific

Saturday, January 30, 2016

10 AM Pule at Ahu on Saddle Rd and

Mauna Kea Access Rd.

11 AM – Noon sign/banner holding at

Pohakuloa Main gate

      January 2016 marks 40 years since the historic action of 9 people who went to the Island of Kaho’olawe to stop the bombing there. It sparked a movement. Many people followed in the months and years after. Some went to jail. Two — George Helm and Kimo Mitchell, lost their lives, but the bombing of Kaho’olawe was eventually stopped. Kaho’olawe is 28,000 acres. Pohakuloa, located in the center of Hawaii Island, is 133,000 acres, nearly 5 times the size of Kaho’olawe. Millions of rounds are fired on Pohakuloa annually. It has been going on more than 50 years. It is time to Malama ‘Aina everywhere. It is time stop the bombing and desecration of Pohakuloa.

  We in Hawaii are part of a larger “Moana Nui” movement to demilitarize the entire Pacific. Pacific Island and Pacific Rim communities are currently actively mobilizing thousands of citizens–in Okinawa, Korea, Guam etc–against U.S. military bases.

Please come in a spirit of Kapu Aloha for the ‘aina and all people we encounter, including those who may disagree with us. Mahalo.

Protect Pohakuloa!  Stop

the Bombing!

1. Mourn all victims of violence. 2. Reject war as a solution. 3. Defend civil liberties.
4. Oppose all discrimination, anti-Islamic, anti-Semitic, anti-Hawaiian, etc.
5. Seek peace through justice in Hawai`i and around the world.

Contact: Malu ‘Aina Center for Non-violent Education & Action
P.O. Box 489 Kurtistown, Hawai’i 96760

(808) 966-7622. Email:

Sign up on our website to receive our posts

Hilo Peace Vigil leaflet (Jan. 22, 2016 – 748th week) – Friday 3:30-5PM downtown Post Office

UH Hilo Jan. 15 Food Summit forum 6-8PM

Monday, January 11th, 2016


———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Gary Hooser, Hawaii Alliance for Progressive Action <>
Date: Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 1:59 PM
Subject: Please join me Friday for the Hilo Food Justice Summit Event, January 15, 6PM – 8PM at UH Hilo!
To: Bob <>

View this email in your browser
Aloha Bob,

I am so excited to invite you to the 2016 International Food Justice Summit that will be in Hilo, Hawai`i THIS FRIDAY!  HAPA has partnered with the Pesticide Action Network (PAN) North America to host, “Challenging the Global Impacts of the Agrochemical Industry: An International Food Justice Summit,” January 15-20, 2016, in locations throughout Hawai`i.

Advocates from around the world and Hawai`i will travel across the islands to weave together a story of how our local struggles for protections from pesticides and to limit corporate influence on government are connected — and to explore how we can grow (together) towards restoring a fairer and more sustainable food system.

The event in Hilo is this Friday, January 15th, from 6PM – 8PM at the University of Hawai`i, Hilo (in University Classroom Building (UCB) 100).  This is a FREE event, and HAPA is giving away free T-shirts to the first 20 people to arrive and sign-in. (Seating is unreserved, no tickets are needed.)  

You can learn more and RSVP on the Facebook event page. Please join me to hear these inspiring local and global advocates. I hope to see you there!

Gary Hooser
President, Hawai`i Alliance for Progressive Action 

Donate Now
Copyright © 2016 Hawaii Alliance for Progressive Action, All rights reserved.

Sign the petition to STOP the TPP

Monday, January 4th, 2016
Stop the Trans Pacific Partnership: Tell Congress: Oppose “NAFTA on steroids”
Petition to Congress:
“Say NO to the Trans-Pacific Partnership. It’s your job to ensure trade deals work for everyone, not just giant corporations. It would be deeply irresponsible for you to ignore that responsibility by rubber-stamping a titanic corporate power grab that was negotiated behind closed doors by the governments of a dozen countries (including ours) in collusion with corporate interests.”
Add your name:
Sign the petition ►
Dear Wally,
In a matter of days, President Obama will launch his final push to pressure Congress to pass the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). It’s a secretive trade deal that has been called “NAFTA on steroids” – and for good reason.
During his last State of the Union address on January 12, President Obama will make his case for a “trade” deal that would eviscerate broad swaths of regulations that protect consumers, workers, the environment and the soundness of our financial system. And, it would set up a legal regime where corporate profits trump the policy priorities of sovereign governments.
With the text of the deal now public even some key Republicans who supported Fast Track authority for approving the TPP are now saying they cannot support the trade deal as it stands.1 That means the President currently does not have the votes to pass the TPP. We need to keep it that way and thwart any momentum toward passage of the TPP in this Congress.
We can jump-start our campaign to stop this corporate power grab by making our voices heard as loudly as possible in advance of the State of the Union next week.
In November we finally got to see what’s inside the TPP – and it’s even worse than we thought. If Congress ratifies this agreement more, American jobs would be offshored. Internet freedom would be a joke. Developing countries would lose access to lifesaving medicines. Unsafe foods and products could pour into our country while we’re powerless to stop them. The deal includes countries notorious for severe violations of human rights, but the term “human rights” does not appear in the 5,600 pages of the TPP. And, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
The administration’s spin about the TPP being the most progressive trade treaty ever is not based in reality. Don’t take our word for it. Here is what Doctors Without Borders said about the TPP:

The TPP is a bad deal for medicine: it’s bad for humanitarian medical treatment providers such as MSF [Medecins Sans Frontieres, Doctors Without Borders], and it’s bad for people who need access to affordable medicines around the world, including in the United States.2

Sen. Elizabeth Warren has also sounded the alarm about the TPP. She previously warned that trade deals like the TPP could provide an opportunity for “banks to get something done quietly out of sight that they could not accomplish in a public place with the cameras rolling and the lights on.”3
Indeed, the TPP includes provisions that would severely hamstring the ability of governments to stem the next banking crisis. Other provisions would allow multinational corporations to push back when governmental regulations cut into corporate profits by suing governments in foreign courts staffed by corporate lawyers.
While Congress cannot amend or filibuster the TPP, they do still have to vote yes or no on it. Already some Republicans have come out against this awful deal, so if we are able to confront the big money interests behind this treaty with an onslaught of grassroots opposition, we can win. Click the link below to sign the petition.
Thank you for speaking out. Your activism matters.
Murshed Zaheed, Deputy Political Director
CREDO Action from Working Assets
Add your name:
Sign the petition ►

2015 Malu ‘Aina Christmas Appeal

Sunday, December 6th, 2015

Annual Christmas Appeal

December 2015  

Dear Friends,                                                                      

Once again, I write to ask for your help to sustain the work of Malu ‘Aina.   As an all volunteer organization, Malu ‘Aina has been planting seeds, sharing food with people in need, and standing for justice, peace, and Aloha ‘Aina (Love for the Land)  and a living planet for the past 35 years.  We know we can’t do it alone.  It takes money, people power and commitment to carry on.  You have been an important part of this effort in one way or another, and we thank you for your solidarity in the journey.

Like farm work, the work for justice, peace, and protecting the environment is never ending.   We do our best, but  we can always use more help. We need your financial support and we need the next generation to carry the torch of nonviolence and the spirit of aloha in the work of Malu ‘Aina.  I am happy to report that we are currently in the process of transitioning leadership to the next generation of organic planters and activists.  It is my hope that a new generation of leadership will draw from the history and core principles of Malu ‘Aina but forge its own vision and action plan to solve problems now facing Hawaii and the world.

The times are indeed perilous: the very real threat of catastrophic climate/species disaster; the corporate domination of nearly every aspect of life for short term profit; the widening gap between rich and poor, a growing number of hungry and homeless; escalating violence in our streets and endless wars, regime changes, ongoing illegal occupations (Palestine and Hawai’i included), and chaos abroad resulting in a rising tide of refugees, hate and fear nearly everywhere. To say that our broken world that benefits the few at the expense of the many is in need of deep healing is an understatement. It seems to be a very hard lesson to learn: we cannot bomb, kill, and exploit our way to peace.

Your support and solidarity helps to keep us from being discouraged by setbacks along the way and to never, NEVER, give up in the struggle for justice, peace, and preserving the sacred earth we share. As philosophers through the ages have said: “No lie can live forever.” Blessings of this holy season to you and your loved ones.

With gratitude and aloha,
Jim Albertini

peace dove

PS. Donations are tax deductible if checks are made to Center for Non-violent Education & Action P.O. Box 489 ‘Ola’a (Kurtistown), Hawai`i 96760. A Pay Pal account (Donate button) has also been setup on our webpage as another convenient way to make donations. Please click “Subscribe” to receive the Malu ‘Aina weekly peace vigil leaflet (now in its 742nd week) and other posts for peace, justice and the environment. Other contact information: Phone (808) 966-7622. Email:  Mahalo.